7830 Michelle Drive, La Mesa, CA 91942 | 714-616-0816
Copyright © 2023 The Orphanage Mentor, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Who Am I? TeTe?
Being from San Diego I remember walking across the US/Mexican border into Tijuana with my Dad and my three siblings when I was 12 years old. Something happened that changed my life forever.
We were at the half way point walking over the bridge into the Tijuana city. We have passed ten or so children selling “chicle” or gum. We did not buy any from them.
Now 75% of the way over the bridge there was one solo young boy around eight years old. Dirty old shoes, dirt shorts and shirt, caked on dirt all over hand which were holding the box of chicle. He offered us some and my Dad declined but gave him a dollar.
The little boy was so excited that he ran to his 10 friends at the we had passed earlier. We saw him kind of jumping up and down with excitement and he was pointing at us. There was not an adult in sight near this group of 11 boys.
They instantly starting sprinting in our direction and we starting sprinting towards the end of the bridge and the taxis. My family members and I were laughing and enjoying the chase. I looked back at them chasing us and saw something that impacted me forever.
I saw the effort on one of the boys faces to try to reach us. His face was so focused and determined. I remember his arms swinging back and forth with maximum effort. At that moment I realized the life this boy has/had. Why were we running? My Dad could easily give each one of these children $1…Why were we laughing?……
37 years ago I was born in Southern California, and I moved to San Diego, CA, when I was three. The overall vibe of the beach communities, Latino based cultures, and being a lover of sports, shaped my life.
I played soccer for 9 years of my youth, and I see the value of having the young orphans in Mexico play soccer. It builds team function, and builds the idea about the whole, and not the individual. I currently sponsor 6 children to play in the soccer leagues. I hope it grows to 500 one day.
Basketball was then my next main sport. Being the captain on the basketball team, was fun, sure. Life seemed to be calling to me. The truth of life started to form my señor year of high school. Life was about to start. 18 years old, and what do I want from the world?
At 20 years old I started selling homes, for the next 5 years. Wearing a suit and tie every day, calling home owners on the phone, and then selling their homes. I ended up selling 18 homes in my last 8 months in real estate. . . There are so many skill sets from selling homes that I love passing on to the kids.
10 years ago I moved to Los Angeles, CA, to pursue Voice Acting. After taking six courses for voice over training, I created 2 demos, and have been working with the #1 Voice Over agency for 2 years now.
In 2018 I created 150 episodes of my own podcast. What a learning lesson!!
The previous discovery on my “Happiness journey,” before this orphanage plan, was training to be, and being a musician. I play guitar, sing, and rap, in English and Spanish.
This whole journey was started and funded by my personal savings, every penny, and through that philosophy of “build it and they will come,” we now have a community of people who we all financially contribute together. We even decided together on what experiences this kids will receive. This community of people is creating the magic.
I have found my cause. The single focus. Helping 10,000 children with no families become happy, successful, and peaceful people. I love life so much.
TeTe (Matthew Alexander Henriksen)
PS. . “TeTe” is short for “Mateo” or “Matthew.” My Mom called me Te growing up, and so I chose that name now, for my present me, and future…It’s the best when one of the little kids in Mexico says it.
My Why Surround Sound Love Statement
Life is so short. Too short. My life is 1/3 over… basing on making it to 100. But is that guaranteed? …Why am I doing all of this work with orphanages and foster homes?
“You only live once” shook me at the core the first time I heard it. And now as an adult I’v seen young friends die of cancer, car accidents, suicides, and saw many many great people die of old age, I couldn’t take it anymore. The haunting question of, “What is the best thing you can do, utilizing all the talents, joys, and passions for life? What is the biggest and best thing I can do with my time left? …Here is the answer…
All of my life coaching sessions, real estate coaching, success books, voice over experience, music practice and performing, monthly orphanage trips, all gathered in one bundle of my best I can offer the world… And offer myself.
We provide these brilliant children with success seminars “Taylor made” just for them.
We can implant the seeds of hope, happiness, and success in these fertile brilliant minds of the children. And every time I see them improving, have a new smile, or I am noticing changes in their positivity… Each time that happens, I get an endorphin and serotonin rush.
Imagine the feeling I get when the children are leaving the seminar, and I see their faces of wonderment. The rush from this feeling is the selfish reason I am doing all of this. My “Why”… I remain in a heavenly bliss, every time, every child, improves in their lives.
I want to do, RIGHT NOW, what I envision myself on my death bed being proud of, reflecting back on my life’s greatest accomplishment. This is what I see. My life’s greatest achievement is this style of mentorship program to progress the world.
I am fulfilling the prophecy of my dying self…Dying now to the past life of what I was raised to be. And be re-born, choosing the light, the best of me, and surrendering to that new me. I am that man. I ready to be the light.
Who Am I? TeTe?
Being from San Diego I remember walking across the US/Mexican border into Tijuana with my Dad and my three siblings when I was 12 years old. Something happened that changed my life forever.
We were at the half way point walking over the bridge into the Tijuana city. We have passed ten or so children selling “chicle” or gum. We did not buy any from them.
Now 75% of the way over the bridge there was one solo young boy around eight years old. Dirty old shoes, dirt shorts and shirt, caked on dirt all over hand which were holding the box of chicle. He offered us some and my Dad declined but gave him a dollar.
The little boy was so excited that he ran to his 10 friends at the we had passed earlier. We saw him kind of jumping up and down with excitement and he was pointing at us. There was not an adult in sight near this group of 11 boys.
They instantly starting sprinting in our direction and we starting sprinting towards the end of the bridge and the taxis. My family members and I were laughing and enjoying the chase. I looked back at them chasing us and saw something that impacted me forever.
I saw the effort on one of the boys faces to try to reach us. His face was so focused and determined. I remember his arms swinging back and forth with maximum effort. At that moment I realized the life this boy has/had. Why were we running? My Dad could easily give each one of these children $1…Why were we laughing?……
37 years ago I was born in Southern California, and I moved to San Diego, CA, when I was three. The overall vibe of the beach communities, Latino based cultures, and being a lover of sports, shaped my life.
I played soccer for 9 years of my youth, and I see the value of having the young orphans in Mexico play soccer. It builds team function, and builds the idea about the whole, and not the individual. I currently sponsor 6 children to play in the soccer leagues. I hope it grows to 500 one day.
Basketball was then my next main sport. Being the captain on the basketball team, was fun, sure. Life seemed to be calling to me. The truth of life started to form my señor year of high school. Life was about to start. 18 years old, and what do I want from the world?
At 20 years old I started selling homes, for the next 5 years. Wearing a suit and tie every day, calling home owners on the phone, and then selling their homes. I ended up selling 18 homes in my last 8 months in real estate. . . There are so many skill sets from selling homes that I love passing on to the kids.
10 years ago I moved to Los Angeles, CA, to pursue Voice Acting. After taking six courses for voice over training, I created 2 demos, and have been working with the #1 Voice Over agency for 2 years now.
In 2018 I created 150 episodes of my own podcast. What a learning lesson!!
The previous discovery on my “Happiness journey,” before this orphanage plan, was training to be, and being a musician. I play guitar, sing, and rap, in English and Spanish.
This whole journey was started and funded by my personal savings, every penny, and through that philosophy of “build it and they will come,” we now have a community of people who we all financially contribute together. We even decided together on what experiences this kids will receive. This community of people is creating the magic.
I have found my cause. The single focus. Helping 10,000 children with no families become happy, successful, and peaceful people. I love life so much.
TeTe (Matthew Alexander Henriksen)
PS. . “TeTe” is short for “Mateo” or “Matthew.” My Mom called me Te growing up, and so I chose that name now, for my present me, and future…It’s the best when one of the little kids in Mexico says it.